Let your property
If you would like to let your property, the agent will inspect the house and give you a rental value and tell you about the things that the landlord is responsible for including gas and electrical certificates and Energy Performance Certificates.
A landlord’s pack will be left with you covering all the points for your reference and this will include the contract which legislation requires you to have with your letting agent. Fowlers are regulated by the Property Ombudsmen.
Fowlers belong to the Deposit Protection Service which is a tenancy deposit scheme to resolve any disputes between landlord and tenant over the return of the tenant’s deposit at the end of a tenancy.
A dispute is rare, but initially there are 20 days to raise a dispute issue and Fowlers have 10 days to try to reach agreement.
After that, the deposit and the dispute is referred onwards to the DPS whose ruling will be absolute.
Both the Landlords and Tenants are provided with online login facilities for the management of there accounts.
Sell your property
Fowlers of Chagford have been selling property in North East Dartmoor since 1989.
If you wish to sell your home, then you should start with an open market valuation from an agent who really knows the area.
The agent will discuss prices and comparable properties, tell you about market conditions and advise on how to achieve your sale. A commission rate will be agreed and details given about how to arrange an Energy Performance Certificate and floor plan.
Once terms are agreed, the agent will take detailed notes and measurements and write the draft sales particulars. These are sent to the vendor for approval. A floor plan and site plan (where appropriate) will also be prepared ready for inclusion.
When the vendor is satisfied with the particulars, a contract is signed between vendor and agent and once the Energy Performance Certificate is finished and ready marketing can begin. Advertising will be discussed and agreed with the vendor before forwarding to the advertising media chosen. In the case of Fowlers of Chagford, all viewings wherever possible will be accompanied by Philip Fowler or a representative of Fowlers.
If possible, we would like the vendor to leave Philip or his representative to show people round so that the potential buyer can see the property in a relaxed manner and offer us their honest opinions before leaving the property.
3D Virtual Reality Tour
Here at Fowlers we are now able to provide full 3D virtual reality tours of your property. Providing your potential purchaser with a full and detailed view of your beautiful home so they can really start to imagine themselves there. For more information and prices please feel free to call the office on 01647 433595.
Driftwood Properties
As well as offering properties on Dartmoor, we also have a sister agency, Driftwood Properties offering coastal holiday homes in the St. Ives Bay area of West Cornwall. For further information please click on the link to Driftwood
Tenant Fees Information
Tenancy Deposit
The equivalent of 5 weeks’ rent is payable on or before the commencement of the tenancy. The funds will be held in the custodial scheme of Deposit Protection Service.
First Month’s Rent
One month’s rent in advance is payable before the commencement of the tenancy.
During your tenancy :
Rent Late Payment Fee
Interest at 3% above the NatWest bank base rate from the date due to the date paid.
Bank Charges
Actual bank charges incurred by the Landlord or Agent if a cheque from the Tenant is not honoured.
Redress Scheme
We are a member of The Property Ombudsman.
Client Money Protection
We are a member of the Money Shield client money protection scheme, so our tenants, landlords, purchasers and vendors can rest assured that their money is safe.